
IT Genetics stands beside its partners in the context of Covid-19!

IT Genetics stands beside its partners in the context of Covid-19

Dear IT Genetics partners,

During this difficult time, it is a priority for us to protect the health and safety of our employees, customers and of the partners we work with.

We constantly monitored the situation created by the spread of the Coronavirus and made sure that all precautions for our team were implemented quickly. We have taken protection and prevention measures, both for the staff working in the warehouse, as well as for the colleagues in the offices, for whom we introduced the work at home system, until the situation improves.

The spread of COVID-19 is worrying for all of us, so we assure you that we have applied all the necessary measures to be able to handle all your requests quickly but also safely.

We have set new procedures for the constant disinfection of our work points and transport vehicles, where all contact surfaces are sanitized. All colleagues in the IT Genetics team are regularly informed about the measures applied and about current legal mandates, so that they are in turn responsible for keeping hygiene and social distancing norms.

In order to safely pass through these troubling times, we warmly recommend you follow the advice of specialists, authorities and keep correctly informed only from official reliable sources: the website of the Ministry of Health, of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, of the World Health Organization, the dedicated Romanian portal of the European Commission’s response to COVID-19.

We will also closely follow the coronavirus epidemic situation and it’s evolution and we will integrate all the official recommendations in our working procedures.

Thank you for being with us, and we wish you good health, take care of yourself and of your loved ones!

Stefan AXINTE,

CEO IT Genetics

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